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"Someone" is a lyrical song that uncovers the invisible threads of care and love that bind us. With poetic finesse, it urges us to open our hearts' eyes to the unspoken emotions that surround us. Amidst life's highs and lows, the song assures us of the presence of someone who cares, someone who misses, someone who loves. It's a harmonious reminder that in the embrace of hearts, we find solace, smiles, and the profound beauty of human connection.


Blog post byyash bansod - published at 8/23/2023

"Embrace of Hearts: A Melody of Belonging"

In the gentle cadence of heartfelt lyrics, "Embrace of Hearts" weaves a tender tapestry of emotions, a song that resonates deep within the chambers of the soul. With poetic elegance, the verses explore the universal longing for connection, compassion, and the warmth of companionship


The lyrics invite us to peer beyond the surface, beyond the visible realm, and into the realm of emotions. They guide us to 'open the eyes of our hearts'—a metaphorical journey that unveils the invisible ties that bind us to one another. Amidst the bustling world, the song reminds us to pause and recognize the profound care, the silent longing, and the unconditional love that often goes unspoken.


As the verses gently unfurl, they sketch a portrait of companionship's myriad colors. Amidst the ups and downs of life's journey, there's a comforting presence—an unseen force that stands by our side, whether in times of joy or during the throes of adversity. The song's refrain, like a comforting echo, reinforces the notion that even in the darkest hours, a hand reaches out, a heart resonates, and a friend or loved one steps forward to share the burden.


The lyrical beauty of "Embrace of Hearts" lies in its ability to articulate the ineffable, to give voice to the emotions that often reside in the recesses of the heart. It reminds us that we are not alone, that our existence is intertwined with others, and that love—expressed or concealed—is a constant undercurrent in our lives.


With each note and phrase, the song unfurls a sense of belonging—an invitation to embrace vulnerability, to shed the shield of isolation, and to recognize the beauty in human relationships. It conveys the power of being present for one another, of creating smiles, of alleviating pain, and of holding each other up when life's currents grow turbulent.


"Embrace of Hearts" is a timeless melody that resonates across generations, reminding us of the profound impact we have on each other's lives. In its verses, we find an ode to love's subtleties, a tribute to unsung heroes, and an affirmation that, even in a world often noisy and chaotic, the whispers of the heart remain our truest guide.




do you ever feel someone care about you

do you ever feel someone miss you

do you ever feel someone love you

it is easy to see this just open the eyes of your heart

you can see it

you can see it

you can see someone is there for you


what is the thing which you running from

don't be hide your self

express it ,show it to the world

don't be alone someone always with you

express it show it to the world


do you ever feel someone care about you

do you ever feel someone miss you

do you ever feel someone love you

it is easy to see this just open the eyes of your heart

you can see it

you can see it

you can see someone is there for you


with you someone forget all pain

with you someone smile every time

with you someone enjoy life

you never ever know how much you special in someone's life

they never ever show you

but in the heart they love you


If you trapped in the worst situation

that is the time you find your someone

you come to know someone also special in your life


do you ever feel someone care about you

do you ever feel someone miss you

do you ever feel someone love you

it is easy to see this just open the eyes of your heart

you can see it

you can see it

you can see someone is there for you

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